Running a business is both time and nerve consuming. The constant pressure to stay ahead of problems, or to fix them in the shortest possible time if they do arise, can be a terrible distraction for even the most organized people.
However, the smarter the smartphones get the more they have to offer in this regard. The fact that you don’t have your laptop with you doesn’t mean that you are cut off from the world, there are plenty of apps out there that could help you out in a pinch, you just have to know where to look.
Considering what it offers, the fact that this app is free (if you don’t mind the ads, if you do, $9.95 will let you use it as long as you want without having to look at them) almost seems unfair.
Basically, it is a rather comprehensible set of office tools, which offers most the things that you might need from such an app. Best of all, it wasn’t adapted for the use of handhelds, it was made for them, and this really shows in its mobile-friendly interface.
Even though Skype and Android didn’t get off to a great start with several less than satisfactory apps, when they did get it right, Skype became an obligatory part of just about any phone.
Businesswise, this allows for a far greater mobility and flexibility in your scheduling. Naturally, this is not only true for business people, but it is in that area that the app is perhaps the most appreciated in.
One of the things that different apps allow you to do is to actually make the time you spend on your commute count for something. In case that you didn’t get a chance to fully prepare your PowerPoint presentation, you can now edit it, or even create it on your way to the meeting.
The great interface will allow you to easily do just about anything with your presentation that you could from your home PC, and once you have gotten used to it, you probably won’t even consider waiting to get home in order to start preparing your presentation.
Handy Safe Pro
This app act as a vault for any sensitive information that you might have on your phone. It allows you to store your PIN numbers, software keys, passwords, usernames, and credit card info, safely on your phone, without having to worry about what might happen if someone got a hold of it.
This way, that kind of data will always be accessible to you, without you having to worry about someone else being able to come in its possession.
Definitely, the note-taking app that has been getting the most praise from, obviously satisfied, customers. This app allows you to organize your thoughts and notes in a number of different ways that can inspire productivity.
Apart from taking regular notes, you can record voice reminders or take photos and have them organized in the way that is most suitable at the moment.